
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October Meeting Questions

To ask a question at our Oct. 25 general HOA meeting anonymously:
  1. Click the comments link below
  2. Type your question into the comment box
  3. Choose Anonymous from the "Comment as" drop down menu
  4. Click Publish button


  1. Are we able to install a swing set in the playground?

  2. What's the latest on road repairs? Most of the damage is done by heavy equipment and trucks. Is 4 Corners still responsible for repairs?

  3. Construction contractor trash, primarily in the areas still under construction. What's the best way to approach this to get it stopped or at least picked up?

  4. How can we approach 4 Corners about timely removal of large trees that have been removed from unsold lots? Also issue of keeping unsold lots mowed so large weeks don't overtake the land?

  5. Will the board please address the issue of a board member that is continually driving by other hard working members houses. The individual is concerned about the neighborhood which is great, but has gone to an extreme that has become harassing and annoying. Please consider replacement of this member. Hopefully they will step down with respect.

  6. Few points as a paying member:
    Limit terms to one year with a vote of no confidence clause.
    Allocation of funds. Have work that needs to be done go outside the HOA membership and members friends/family. This will avoid embezzlement.
    Create a SOP that allows board members to spend a certain amount without approval of members.
    Create a SOP that limits the funds that Board Members can spend for cookouts/events. Not all households want their money spent on everything.
    Ask 4 Corners to remove the dirt that washed on the black fence on the south end along Douglas.
    And most of all, be open, polite so we don't keep having people wanting to move due to the politics.

    1. I agree with almost everything this person says. In my line of work we use SOP's all the time. Its what keeps us all safe and brings us home every night. With that said when we talked to 4Corners they told us that they have in the past spent about $200-$300 to help out with the cook out. I think this is a fair amount and has seemed to work in the past so unless the RSVP list is much longer then this would probably be a good number for cookouts and such.

      As far as the SOP for a certain amount without approval. This isn't really all that feasible. Are we asking them to ask us on every thing that is spent? What about the electric bill, or the water bill, or the mowing and landscaping bill or the snow and ice removal bill. If that is want is asked for here I veto that. If not and this is more related to the cookout then that has been mentioned above. It is not uncommon for a HOA to do these sorts of things so that seems pretty customary.

      I agree whole heartedly about getting the fence fixed. If that is 4Corners then by all means lets get on it. If not another thing where I come from is when you make the noise don't be surprised if you are nominated as being in charge of seeing the project you propose through to the end. We should all be involved with our HOA not just board members. Kind of like fish or cut bait as my granddad would say.

      Being Polite is a must in todays society. If we cant all act like adults then maybe we should do some inward thinking and reflecting. We have heard that a couple people are moving due to their kids needing to be in other school systems, but we have also heard that a couple board members have left because of the constant barrage of rude, snide, childish behaviors displayed by a few of our members. This is not right. People should not be made to feel bad or want to leave because others cant act like adults. If we don't have something nice to say don't say it. Lets all remember that, board members and all others included. Just because something isn't going the way you want it to doesn't make it right.

      We have a couple years with this board and they haven't done bad so far. Maybe a little dysfunctional in the beginning but with any group this is to be expected. If we don't like how they have handled the HOA then we will have an opportunity to sit on the board and do it better in the future.

      I agree that the allocations of funds for projects need to be secured by companies/organizations outside of the HOA membership when the cost meets or exceeds $100-$150 and is of a more permanent/repetitive action.

      Lets be real about the 1 year no confidence clause. That was a joke right? As I said before, it hasn't even been a year and a year isn't enough time to get anything done. Lets all have some patients and see what happens in the next couple years.

      What is a paying member? We are all paying members and if we are not then the Board needs to implement some of their fines and start placing liens on homes for those violations. We all read or were given the covenants to read, not really fair to me that someone else didn't read and or hasn't paid their dues yet.

      I would also like to propose one more thing. When we closed we put and extra payment they said into a road fund. Based on what we see driving home everyday, I think we should raise our dues. I would propose an additional $150 per year that goes into that road fund account so that when we need to fix the roads we have the means. I think this would bring our HOA dues to around $390. With the home values in this neighborhood we want to keep our neighborhood looking nice and the roads are a big part of it.

  7. I know we've been told before that the property on the north end of the neighborhood facing Douglas can't be mowed. I leave before 6:00 each morning and the overgrowth makes it difficult to see if cars are coming. Can we revisit this issue? Besides being an eyesore and an embarrassment, it's dangerous.

    1. We might be able to work with the county and see if they can help. Also, if 4 corners won't fix it, I'll get a Dozar down here and do it for free. Just need majority vote from ALL MEMBERS.

    2. This sounds great. My wife complains about this very thing as well. Not sure if we need 4 corners permission or permits or something but it would sure look better. Does the HOA have enough money to fix this? Or will we all have to raise our dues to pay for this? Also our roads are terrible. Its a new house in a New neighborhood, we should figure that out as well.

      My vote is grab your dozer.

  8. Can we please ask people NOT to park in the streets at night? We read that we are not supposed to, but understand during the day if you have a large gathering, but otherwise it would just look better not to.

  9. Not sure what the issue is with the Board. We have been in here for about a year. We missed the meeting where 4Corners gave over the control and appointed the Board members. As far as we can see they are doing fine and are doing the best they can. I say we should all relax and give them a chance. I'm sure its not easy to take on a task like this and have the rest of the home owners judging them or second guessing them I'm sure doesn't help. Our only request would be that the board enforce some of the obvious rule violations. We moved in here based on a couple of the rules and would like everyone to follow them. We are excited about the cookout this weekend. There will be 2 of us there.

  10. We noticed last spring that one of the yards was burned. Based on what we saw in our closing documents and covenants on here we couldn't find anything say this was ok or not. This just seems very dangerous. There are so many trees around and we didn't see a fire truck in case something bad happened. We saw where it said something about safety or putting at risk others property, but that's a little loose. Could the board please bring this up and maybe change that? Its just kind of scary. We don't mean to pick on someone or their home. Burning your old thatch off is great for your yard, but in here we just find it exceptionally dangerous.

  11. That was me that burned my yard. Per county I have right and by state codes I have the right. I have been a firefighter for 18 years. I will continue to burn my yard yearly if conditions permit.

  12. One separate note about my yard burning. Obviously you know where I live, feel free to come by and visit with me about it. I am not hiding under a "anonymous" name. I also disagree with the increase in dues and two year terms. The executive board should have two year terms but we should limit the board terms.
    In regards to bully's and child like behavior I fully agree. Every email I ever composed stated MR or MRS, the body which was professional and a salutations that was appropriate for busines. I also included my phone number asking for them to contact me as we all know text can be taken out of context.
    Mr. Martin

    1. And your attitude displayed above is exactly why we didn't choose to talk to you personally. You talk about being professional and appropriate, yet you insist that because of what you do ("I have been a firefighter for 18 years") and that just because there is no law or county rule that says you cant that that gives you license to do what ever you want with no regard to others thoughts or concerns. The covenants clearly state that you cannot cause or do something that could cause damage to others property. You SIR need to grow up!

    2. My action taken did not in any way threaten anyone's proerty. I took in all consideration prior to burning. The elements were taken into factor. I'd be more than happy to discuss your concerns.
      Everyone is entitled to their concerns. If a majority vote is made to ban burning I will follow suit. I ask for whom posted above to please disregard from choosing the term "grow up." The reason for my credentials is to help inform that I am educated heavily in the field. This is to reassure anyone that I'm not just John Doe that wanted to burn his grass off. Please in the future, feel free to come by or contact me. I believe the person posting above has my number. But if you don't, let me know, I'd be more than happy to give it to you. I seek no harm or endangerment to my neighbors but only offer my help. Please refrain from taking text out of context. The best communication is face to face. Who knows, we all might figure out I'm not a bad person. Everyone stay safe. If anyone needs me at all, feel free to send a post on Facebook and I'll priviate message you my number.

    3. Sorry,
      Above reply was typed by Mr. Martin

  13. How does the board decide who they fine and who they don't fine for violations?

  14. This bickering back and forth is getting out of hand. It is sad that we cannot just be cordial, good neighbors. When we are away from our homes, whether it be at work, on vacations, or at church, I hope that my neighbors are looking after my house. If a hardship arises, good neighbors take care of each other, such as feed animal, mow lawns, etc.

    We have all had problems with 4 Corners . There are problems with the streets, construction traffic, silt runoff, etc. If we fight against each other continuously, how will we ever come together to get 4 Corners to correct their issues?

    The HOA is us. Not a board, but all of us. If we want the covenants changed or new ones implemented, then we can do that. However we do things, it needs to be fair, and not vindictive. Enforcement of the covenants needs to be fair and with discretion. Being a cop, I assure you that most citizens would not like the police writing a citation for or arresting every violation that we encounter. Remember, there are many ways to skin a cat......or solve a problem.

    I hate the way our neighborhood seems to be dividing. We have a beautiful place to live and raise families. I plan on living here and retiring here. I hope to have good neighbors who I can count on and they can count on me.

    Tim Harwell

  15. Ok, wow everyone this has gotten way out of hand. Waking up this am to about 8 emails of people going back and forth is ridiculous. This medium was never meant to be a soap box nor a slam your neighbor forum or belittle the board blog. If that is what you are looking for please choose another site. Not sure if you have noticed but the Board has up to now chosen to stay silent, however I can not longer stand this. We thought it would be nice to put the anonymous option out their for those who have an issue with speaking in front of people or just are not the type to bring up good questions. Moving forward that option will be taken away from this forum. If you have something to say, sign your name. (Thank you to Tim Harwell and Luke Martin for doing this). We will have all other posts moving forward that are left without a name deleted and will not be brought up at the meeting. I can tell you that sitting on this board has been an eye opening experience. Never in a million years would I have thought I would have gotten the phone calls, emails, texts, or visits at my door because someone didn't like something about the board. Some of it is expected but its enough to have to put up with people that don't like the board mainly because they are not on it, especially since they are invited to any and all meetings and still have yet to show up. We want everyone's help and involvement, it makes this job easier, and keeps our neighborhood looking better. We have asked for volunteers for committees and very few if any come forward but then everyone wants to question every single decision that is made. Then we are continuously put down in social media and belittled among our fellow neighbors that in the same breath ask for inclusion in the "Group". (there really isn't any group). So please lets move forward in a polite and courteous fashion and stop with the name calling and put downs.

    There has been questions asked about the Agenda. If you cannot be at the meeting and are interested in the agenda it was listed in the letter everyone received.
    1. Board Member seats and terms
    2. Review of HOA financials
    3. Announcement of road committee members
    4. Review and discussion of road repair bids
    5. Q&A (was supposed to be this sites questions and other raised at meeting)

    As far as the fines with the violations, we have sent two leters. One that followed up on letters that were sent by the Block One group for a violation that was not resolved that we got complaints from other home owners, and one for a new violation. Only one fine was issued due to rule violations, and that one is in the process of being resolved and if that happens the Board has let that home owner know the would wave the fine. We are in NO way interested in placing fines on homes, but when the previous group (block one), and us have asked and sent a number of communications based on the covenants, and not thing has been done to change the issue, it is the boards discretion to send a fine. We follow the CCR's in every way when we make decisions or take any actions, we have also ran every single question/decision by the attorney to make sure that what we are doing is correct.

    We are looking forward to a great cookout and are excited to meet with all our fellow neighbors. See you all on Saturday.

    Frank Lee
    4080Woodridge Trail

  16. Wish I could make it Mr Lee. Thank you for the post. Stay safe everyone.
    Luke Martin

  17. Hello Fellow Woodland Farms Home Owners

    Thank you for posting your questions and concerns here on our blog. I wanted to assure everyone that this blog is being monitored and questions will be answered, to the best of our ability, on Saturday, October 25th. Please continue to post your comments/questions and we will also have a drop box for additional questions that may come up at the BBQ.

    I really appreciate those who are willing to identify themselves with their comments, but as we originally instructed, anonymous posts are invited in this blog for those tough questions no one wants to ask. However, anonymous post will be blocked after October 25th to try to put a stop to the “keyboard warriors” that accuse without identifying themselves. If you have an issue with the way something is being handled, please come talk to us about it. Posting anonymously or commenting on an unaffiliated Facebook page will not get anything resolved. The board is here to help and we are available to talk privately. We also offer a Q&A session at the end of our quarterly board meetings, which are open to all members, though for time’s sake, comments and questions are held until board business has been conducted.

    As stated before however, please be patient with your neighbors and the board. Many of you might not be aware that we just took control of the HOA from BlockOne Communities (4corners) earlier this year. We have had a multitude of issues to work through and unfortunately ruffled some feathers in the process. However, we are learning from past mistakes and look forward to making this a great community for everyone to be a part of.

    The board’s mission is to protect the safety of our members, protect the value of our homes and follow up with and resolve issues/complaints within our community. We are not here to police or nit-pick. All fines and violation letters have been derived from formal complaints filed by other home owners within the neighborhood. It is not the board’s primary objective to drive around the neighborhood and fine home owners that might be violating the covenants in one way or another. However, it is our job to insure that the issue has been resolved in a timely fashion. As a home owner, everyone is contractually obligated to abide by the covenants and by-laws, which you agreed to when you signed your closing documents, and we expect everyone to read and understand them. They should have been provided to you at closing and are also available on this website if you need another copy.

    It is up to you, as neighbors, to talk to each other, confront the issue and attempt to work things out first before coming to the board. That being said, the board is available to help resolve problems and to try to mediate issues before they get out-of-hand. This has been a learning experience for all of us and we hope to serve this community and stick to our mission, without driving our home owners out of the neighborhood.

    Please continue to post your questions/comments and we will do our best to address them on Saturday. We look forward to meeting everyone and hope to have a good turnout. If you have not done so, please RSVP before Thursday so we can get an accurate count for burgers and hot dogs, so we do not buy too much or not enough. Don’t forget to bring a side dish, your own drinks and chairs. We will begin setting up at the park on Saturday and will be ready to start at 4:00 pm.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding through this transition and we look forward to making this the best community in North East Edmond.

    Jamin Jones
    HOA President
    4123 Woodland Blvd.

  18. It's come to my attention that the HOA (or maybe a particular board member?) is discussing, with an attorney, suing the contractor that put in the roads. While this is beyond understandable due to the conditions of the road, I think the neighborhood needs to know that this company is no longer in business. While I agree it is definitely necessary to fix the current conditions of some of the roads, I don't see how it will be financially beneficial to us (the homeowners) to sue a company that is no longer in business. Should the company that paved the roads fix them? Absolutely! However, should we be responsible for attorney fees to try and get the money out of the company that went under when there is a very chance we will see a dime? No. I have a friend whose neighborhood went through the exact same thing. They tried to sue the contractor and lost. And now their HOA fees are $1500 per year which is helping pay those attorney fees. I completely agree that the roads need to be fixed, but I don't think going after a company that is no longer in business is the best way to use our dues.

    Jamie Galloway
    Chad Beck
    4220 Woodridge Trail

    1. *a very good chance we WON'T see a dime

    2. These are all good points. However let me put a couple of things out there. First the "Board" IS pursuing a number of options as it pertains to the roads. We have had a number of requests/complaints about the roads and the way 4Corners handled the building of them and the turning over of them. I am the board member that contacted L Williams today about this and am still waiting on her to get the requested information back to me. All the requested information is information that we the HOA (not just the board) have a right to have, since we supposedly owned the roads when they were put in and are/were responsible for their upkeep. This is also the same information that the Attorneys that have been spoken with have asked us to make sure we have. Us doing this "fact finding" keeps the attorneys from having to do it thus saving the HOA the money in paying them for their time. This way the attorney can give us a clear idea of what our options are from a legal perspective. We are trying to get all of this information together so we can present to the entire community our findings and give the neighborhood the best information so that IT (the HOA, not HOA Board) can make the most informed decision possible. The fact that the actual company that did the work is out of business may not be a problem per the attorney as the general contractor who was responsible with the roads is still in business and they are the ones that would be responsible for the people they hired to do the work. The issue is that either 4Corners, Block One, I35 Affordable Homes or all the above or another one of their many companies excepted poor quality work and then dumped it in our laps even after they were told there were issues. We are not wanting to raise the dues to $1500 a year either to cover attorney costs but we would have to raise them substantially to cover the junk roads 4Corners/ Block One/ I35 Homes/etc. excepted on our behalf, again knowing full well they were sub par. Everyone needs to know the truth about the whole cost to repair the roads as well as the communities legal options. The fact that this "came to your attention" yet they haven't given the board the answer to the requested information is very telling. We are getting bids now and are hoping to have that information in the near future.

      Frank Lee
      4080 Woodridge Trail


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