
Monday, August 16, 2021

Board Meeting 07/20/2021


Attendance: Jimmy Smith, Kathy Nelson , Gerre Slaton, Kapin Anthony, Liz Lewis, Roma Tilghman,

 Frank Lee, Tom and Linda Hicks- Homeowners

Meeting called to order 6:37

Minutes from Annual HOA meeting was read Jimmy made a motion to accept minutes Kapin 2nd.

Treasures Report:

Checking account: $34,662.79

Savings account: $16,544.46

Total: $51,257.25

One outstanding homeowner has not paid dues.

Old Business:

Water Drainage: Get quotes for repairing the common area in the front of neighborhood. Had Greenview Lawn Care come out and do some work to help with the front drainage are. Unfortunately right afterward it rained quite a bit and tore up the new sod.

Roads: Need a quote for the worst parts of the roads and one for all the damaged areas of the roads.

Front South Wall: Top has broken and need to be fixed along with the north wall to be accessed.


New Business:

Water Drainage: We had Greenview Lawn Care come out and do some work to help with the front drainage are. Unfortunately, right afterward it rained quite a bit and tore up the new sod.

Roads: Quote for repair of all areas is $132,000.00 Discussed how to pay for repairs and which areas are a must fix right now.

Discussed how to provide for the road repairs including obtaining a loan, raising dues and a special assessment.

Post along surveyed line in front area to be staked with concrete in September.

Frank Lee was present to see about approval from architectural committee for his request to pour concrete beside his driveway towards the back. Request was approved.

Complaint was made about gray car at 3800 Woodridge Trl.

Complaint was made about dogs running loose in the night and causing other dogs to start barking