
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

HOA Meeting Minutes 8-1-19

The meeting was called to order at 6:18 PM on Thursday, August 1, 2019.  Those present were Board members, Allison Bentley, Bryan Hiel, Liz Lewis, Kathy Nelson, and Gerre Slaton.

Approval of Minutes:

The May 2, 2019 meeting minutes were read and approved by the Board with a motion made by Hiel and a second by Nelson.

Old Business:

1.    Dues Collection Update:  The remaining checks for 2019 Annual Dues have been collected and will be deposited by the end of the week. 

2.    a.  Erosion on Common Area:  Slaton contacted and spoke with a civil engineer, Doug Hooten, in regards to the erosion taking place on the hill to the south of the entryway along Douglas.  After viewing the affected area, Hooten advised no action should be taken by the Board until the homeowners have addressed the affected areas on their properties.

b.  Mr. Roseberry at 14340 Glennwood reached out to the Board asking if the erosion beginning to take place underneath the road between his property and his neighbors to the south will be his responsibility or that of the Board.  Slaton will ask Estell with Ameriseal to view the area and provide his professional opinion.  Slaton will also contact Doug Hooten for his recommendations.

New Business:

1.    Treasurer’s Report:  The Treasurer’s report stated the month-end fund balance for July was $20,279.59. 

2.    Secretary Position:  Lisa Kraft has decided to resign as the Woodland Farms HOA Secretary, and Allison Bentley has volunteered to fill the position.  Slaton made a motion to name Bentley as the new Secretary, and Hiel seconded the motion.

Committee Updates:

3.    Architectural:  No new requests.

4.    Covenants:  No new violations.

5.    Welcome:  Five homes have recently sold.

6.    Roads:  Ameriseal will be out in the near future to fill cracks and do touchups to the sealer that was previously applied to the roads.

Comments/Questions from Neighborhood Members:

Neighborhood members present were Jamin Jones, Jeff Anthony, Brad and Ashely Havenar, Robert and Glenda Gesell, and Steve and Lori Coughran.

Jamin Jones expressed some concern in regards to the Covenants Committee and how many members are currently serving on the committee.  Those currently serving are Brad Havenar and Dale Slaton.  Brad Havenar explained how the process of a filed complaint is handled with a visit to the homeowner(s) believed to be in violation, and a written report is then submitted to the Board.  Gerre Slaton stated that no decisions are made by the Covenants Committee and any action taken, or lack thereof, is decided upon by the Board.

Robert and Glenda Gesell are wanting to install a small storage building on their property.  They asked how to submit a formal request, and the Board explained that documents such as a plat map indicating where the building will be installed, the dimensions of the building, and what materials will be used must be submitted to the HOA e-mail address ( for the members of the Architectural Committee to review.  The Architectural Committee will then inform them if their project has been approved.

Jamin Jones and Liz Lewis have put together a proposal to amend the Woodland Farms Covenant 3.4.r in regards to swimming pools.  The amendment has already been signed by the required number of homeowners, and the next step is for the President to call a Special Meeting.  Hiel motioned for Slaton to call a Special Meeting and Bentley seconded.  A date for the Special Meeting will be decided upon in the near future.


The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:49 PM with a motion made by Slaton and a second by Bentley.

The Board members then held a closed discussion in regards to a letter that was formally submitted to them.

Minutes submitted by: Allison Bentley