
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Board Meeting 10/22/2020

 Meeting Called to Order 7:03

Attendance: Kapin, Jamin, Jeff, Gerre, Liz, Roma and Bradley Heavner

Kristen Stout submitted her resignation effective 09/01/2020.

Previous minutes read and approved

Old Business:

Front Lights: Electrician said they were fine

Front Drainage: Kapin meet with Josh about installing flexamat to stop drainage. Cost would be $5000.00 for just our part of  property if they went all the way up to street it would be $12,000.00. Bradley Heavner spoke about his property. He had someone come in and fill in erosion and create a pathway for water to flow down to drainage ditch, he then sprinkled grass seeds in hopes of helping.

New business: 

Liz painted  the letters for the front entrance and we will get an estimate for someone to install the letters on the wall again.

Get estimate for rip rap to help with the soil erosion from the street to our drainage ditch.

Meeting adjourned: 8:15